
Dealing with Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms felt by those who suffer from IBD

Fatigue is described as an overwhelming sense of tiredness, lack of energy, or feeling of exhaustion that doesn’t go away even after sleep or resting.

It’s frustrating. Have you ever felt like taking a nap after sleeping all night? What was the point of even sleeping in, I still feel tired! Maybe you want to workout or go hang out with friends but you can’t shake off the feeling of fatigue.

What causes fatigue with IBD?

  • Inflammation: There’s a link between inflammation and fatigue. ( Those who suffer from auto-immune conditions like Crohn’s disease know that the treatment for their disease is primarily treating inflammation. Getting your inflammation under control can be difficult and will likely involve your doctor prescribing certain medications to reduce inflammation. Patients have reported less fatigue while being in remission. There are certain supplements that are worth checking such as fish oil that are pro anti-inflammatory.
  • Anemia: Not having enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to your tissues can cause fatigue. Patients with IBD often have a difficulty absorbing iron, which could lead to anemia. This article might help you if you have a hard time absorbing iron.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: You may be low on certain nutrients like iron or vitamin B12 which can cause fatigue. Talk to your doctor and get blood work to see if you have any needs.
  • Medication Side Effects: Talk to your doctor to see if fatigue could be related to a medication you’re taking.

These are just a few points related to IBD that could be causing you fatigue. There are other reasons like poor sleep and stress that could contribute to fatigue as well.